Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 2009

It is so hard to believe that we have had the 100th day of school, Valentine's Day, and we are into the 3rd nine weeks. Two weeks ago, my principal, Mrs. Lominack, showed up in my class with flowers. She announced that I had gotten Teacher of the Year for DFES. What an honor to be named Teacher of the Year among so many outstanding and fabulous teachers. I am truly humbled by the experience. I hope to represent DFES at its best in 2009-2010.

Right now, the students in my class are working on their Biography Projects. They will present this Friday. I plan to take lots of pictures or even video the presentations to post on my website!

I can not wait to see how they will dress up to protray their famous people!!!
Have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

Grade 2 mom said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. How did the biography presentations go? Good Luck on your MAPS testing this week. I know you will all show how much you have learned so far this year.